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A few awesome claimed prizes
I remember like it was just yesterday that I joined Prizerebel it doesnt feel like Ive been here for 4 months, anyway I would like to start out by saying thanks you so much PrizeRebel youve been awesome! I entered this site pretty darn skeptical, so I saved up for a 3 month subscription to Xbox Live and said hopefully this isnt a scam, turns out its NOT I entered the code a boom it was a legit code, so now I am here to show you guys another thing I got thanks to PrizeRebel...The...PSP...go!!! (Im literally shaking right now)rn
Samuel T.
I recently went to Phuket for a week (also had a day in Singapore on the way back) and it was all paid for by PrizeRebel, so thanks for the amazing holiday guys! Here are the PayPal cashouts that helped me pay for it.
Aaron O
Thank you so much PrizeRebel! This wouldnt have been possible otherwise, and best of all it was absolutely free. My collector needs are fulfilled. This also marks my 62nd prize, and yet another big goal accomplished.
Thanks, PrizeRebel! I love getting stuff for free!
Jared S.
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Gabrielle C.
I thought this site was a bit sketchy but i gave it a shot so after about a week and half, i had enough for a game from newegg which is jak and daxter. Thanks prizerebel
I have been wanting these headphone but they are WAY too expensive to pay for myself. I started referring people to the site, but I also decided to complete as many offers as I could and after 4 months I was able to claim the headphones. Not only that I got them in 3 days! Prizerebel- reliable and EASY!
Jason B
All my friends have been raving about this site called prizerebel where they got free prizes but I never really bothered to try it. Well I finally gave it a shot and I earned myself enough points to get a new set of headphones!! You guys are the best!
All i really gotta say THANKS PRIZEREBEL!