This Prizerebel Member has Earned Over $17,817. Why Haven’t You Started Yet?
Meet Sam.
Sam is one of our most valued Australian members. He’s been with us since our humble beginnings in 2007. In that time, he’s earned over $17,000 in rewards.
Imagine the look on all of your friends’ faces when you tell them you just booked a free vacation you earned from Prizerebel. Or even just checking in to claim your $500 paypal reward every month.
Sounds super easy right? Well, how does Sam do it? Sam uses the top referral program among all survey sites. Not only is it passive, but it also maximizes the points you earn for life.
Have you started on Prizerebel yet?
Let’s do the math:
If you referred 10 friends who claimed their first reward, you would earn 1,500 points. How about 20 friends? That’ll be 3,000 points. That’s enough to claim a $15 and $30 Amazon gift card respectively. Here’s how.
You earn 15% of what your referrals earn off the bat. For life. There’s even better news. As you earn more, your extra points grow even quicker.
Once you become a gold level member, you earn 25% from referrals. At Diamond, it grows to 30%. You also get an additional bonus of 1% to 3% of your monthly earnings depending on your level. Remember those 10 friends you first referred? You would now earn 6000 points for the same amount of work at Diamond level!
Here’s a short list of tips on how to grow your referrals:
Start a blog: If you can guide others on how to earn points, you’re going to have referrals who know how to help you earn. Most people struggle with picking a domain name and a hosting service. You can check if a domain name is already taken with a domain name searcher. A lot of bloggers recommend using Blue Host which includes web hosting and registering a domain name for only $4 a month.
Become an influencer: Have followers on twitter? What about facebook fans? Do a shout out with your new reward. Make it a part of your brand message that Prizerebel helps with all your free swag.
Be creative: Produce a walkthrough video on how to complete surveys on Prizerebel. Find a pain point you have and figure how to explain it to an audience!
Word of mouth: Last of all, but not least. Tell your friends! The easiest way to start referring is to tell people you know about Prizerebel and to get them started. You can help get them signed up right then and there!
Ready to grow how much you earn? Grab your referral link here!
Excited to earn but haven’t started yet? You can also signup over here!